
Bill Protect

Provides emergency cash if they are unable to pay their bills due to an accident.

Bill Protect

Bill Protect Insurance

Afraid of losing your job, financial independence, or worried about the heavy financial burden on your loved ones in the event of an unexpected accident?

Ease your worries and be protected with Bill Protect, knowing that Chubb has got you covered. Bill Protect is an insurance product that covers the insured against accidental death, permanent disablement, involuntary loss of employment which renders the Insured unable to earn and settle his payment obligations.

Bill Protect provides

  • Full-time employees with protection against sudden involuntary loss of employment
  • Protection for those who are not in full-time employment if they suffer temporary total disablement as a result of an accidental injury
  • A lump sum payout in the event of death due to an accident
  • A cash payout in the event of permanent disablement due to an accident

Policy Coverages

What's covered?

Accidental Death Benefit

Lump sum payment in the event of Accidental Death as a result of an Accidental Injury.

Permanent Disablement Benefit

Lump sum payment as a result of irrecoverable disability caused by an Accidental Injury, subject to sub-limits.

Involuntary Loss of Employment Benefit

Payable as a result of unemployment from retrenchment or being made redundant by Your employer and thereafter, being unable to find employment as a Full-time Employee.

Temporary Total Disablement Benefit

Payable as a result of Temporary Total Disablement caused by an Accidental Injury which would temporarily prevents You from engaging in gainful employment of any kind or completing general household activities such as cooking or cleaning.

Sample documentation

Chubb Studio API Operations

You will be able to test our APIs in the Sandbox below. To get started, you will be required to get a bearer token/JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be requested using the “Authentication” operation. After you have requested the token, it can be used to authorize all test transactions. Copy and paste the token response from the Authentication operation using the “Authorize” button. Once complete, click the “Try it out” button to run the sample request and receive a response. All the other required fields are already prefilled in the headers for each operation in the Sandbox.