
Cyber Insurance

Protect you and your family from cyber threats and to fight cyber bullying and identify theft.

Cyber Insurance

Cyber Insurance

Insurance solutions providing professional assistance and support in the event of online security threat.

Policy Coverages

What's covered?

Legal consultation and help

Legal advice from Chubb’s appointed legal panel of providers.

Additional expenses reimbursement

Reimbursement of additional expenses incurred because of the incident.

24/7 assistance

24/7 IT and Tech Support hotline to resolve or minimize the extent of damage or loss.

Personal income reimbursement

Reimbursement for loss of personal income due to time taken off from work to restore and/or rectify records of your online identity.

Emotional well being & trauma counselling

Trauma counselling provided by Chubb’s approved panel of providers.

Sample documentation

Chubb Studio API Operations

You will be able to test our APIs in the Sandbox below. To get started, you will be required to get a bearer token/JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be requested using the “Authentication” operation. After you have requested the token, it can be used to authorize all test transactions. Copy and paste the token response from the Authentication operation using the “Authorize” button. Once complete, click the “Try it out” button to run the sample request and receive a response. All the other required fields are already prefilled in the headers for each operation in the Sandbox.