
Valuables Insurance

Provide coverage for their collections, so they can feel confident that their special possessions are protected

Valuables Insurance

Valuables Insurance

Comprehensive, bespoke & custom cover to safeguard your valuable jewellery & watches. Especially designed to provide comprehensive protection for your jewellery assets, including the option to return to your chosen jeweller for replacement or repair.

Policy Coverages

What's covered?

Protection against loss or accidental damage

Loss or Accidental Damage Cover against physical loss or accidental damage.

Worldwide cover include theft

Worldwide Cover Your policy provides 12 months worldwide cover against damage and theft, wherever you travel.

Agreed Value Policy

In the event you lose your items, you can receive the agreed value shown on your policy, less a $100 deductible which is applicable for each loss.

Additional cover if the valuable cannot be repaired

If your jewellery can’t be repaired or replaced for the amount shown on your policy, we’ll pay up to an extra 25%.

Complementary annual appraisal

Every 12 months, when you renew your policy, your jewellery will be revalued by an expert, at no additional charge.

Sample documentation

Chubb Studio API Operations

You will be able to test our APIs in the Sandbox below. To get started, you will be required to get a bearer token/JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be requested using the “Authentication” operation. After you have requested the token, it can be used to authorize all test transactions. Copy and paste the token response from the Authentication operation using the “Authorize” button. Once complete, click the “Try it out” button to run the sample request and receive a response. All the other required fields are already prefilled in the headers for each operation in the Sandbox.