
Hospital Cash Insurance

Allow them to recover with peace of mind when they are hospitalized.

Hospital Insurance

Hospital Cash Insurance

Ease your financial worries with a coverage that provides you with daily hospital income if you are hospitalized due to accident or illness.

Policy coverages

What's covered?

Daily Hospital Cash Benefit

A lump sum benefit will be paid to you and/or your family members in the event of hospital confinement due to accidental injury or sickness.

Daily Home Recuperation Cash Benefit

Receive additional payout of up to $XXX per day (maximum X consecutive days) of hospitalisation leave.

Daily Hospital Income For Overseas Hospitalization

A lump sum benefit will be paid to you and/or your family members in the event of hospital confinement whilst Overseas due to accidental injury or sickness.

Daily Hospital Income For Intensive Care

A lump sum benefit will be paid to you and/or your family members in the event of hospital confinement in ICU due to accidental injury or sickness.

Sample documentation

Chubb Studio API Operations

You will be able to test our APIs in the Sandbox below. To get started, you will be required to get a bearer token/JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be requested using the “Authentication” operation. After you have requested the token, it can be used to authorize all test transactions. Copy and paste the token response from the Authentication operation using the “Authorize” button. Once complete, click the “Try it out” button to run the sample request and receive a response. All the other required fields are already prefilled in the headers for each operation in the Sandbox.