
Personal Accident Insurance

Protect yourself and your family against the unexpected.

Personal Accident Insurance

Personal Accident Insurance

Accidents happen when you least expect them to. Be prepared for such situations and be financially protected so you can focus on your recovery.

Policy Coverages

What's covered?

Worldwide Personal Accident & Disease Cover

Provides protection in the event of accidental death or death due to covered disease.

Accidental medical expense reimbursement and alternative medical expenses extension

Receive reimbursement for your medical expenses (inpatient and outpatient). This includes treatment by an alternative medical physician or chiropractor.

Hospital cash benefit

Receive daily out-of-pocket cash (up to XXX days) if you are hospitalised due to accidental injury or covered disease.

Recuperation fund

Covers you in the event of hospitalisation for at least X consecutive days due to accidental injury or covered disease.

Lifestyle adaptation fund

Covers your lifestyle and living expenses in the unfortunate event of permanent disability due to accident.

Household bills waiver

Receive reimbursement for your household bills, up to a maximum of 1 month, if you are hospitalized for at least 7 consecutive days due to an accidental injury or covered disease.

Sample documentation

Chubb Studio API Operations

You will be able to test our APIs in the Sandbox below. To get started, you will be required to get a bearer token/JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be requested using the “Authentication” operation. After you have requested the token, it can be used to authorize all test transactions. Copy and paste the token response from the Authentication operation using the “Authorize” button. Once complete, click the “Try it out” button to run the sample request and receive a response. All the other required fields are already prefilled in the headers for each operation in the Sandbox.